Weight loss is a tough goal no matter what season it is, and becomes nearly impossible to attain when the holidays come around, especially in Phuket.
You are expected to take it easy on yourself during the holidays when binge eating and daily parties become the new normal for a few merry weeks. However, if you are dedicated enough to stick to your weight loss plan while everyone else is partying it up, you can do it!
Top 5 Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight During Holidays In Phuket
Get a Little Bit of Every Different Food, Phuket Has to Offer.
Now, this may sound counterproductive, but getting a little bit of everything raises your chances of consuming fewer calories than if you zeroed in on the dishes that you love.
Getting a bit of everything that’s on the table means that you get to eat greens, veggies loaded with nutrients but with low caloric content. That way you limit your consumption of sugary and starchy food, which are the usual suspects when it comes to unwanted holiday weight gain.
Especially, if you are ready to indulge in the Thai traditional cuisine, you will experience a delightful – mouthwatering meal testing while eating healthy and nutritious food during your weight loss holidays in Phuket.
Satisfy Your Appetite Before You Attend The Next Party or Dinner Out.
This is a foolproof piece of advice that works for everyone, but it is essential to losing weight during your holidays in Phuket. You can avoid storming the buffet table if your body is telling you that you do not need that California roll at that very moment.
The trick is never to arrive hungrily, which means getting a quick, nutritious snack or drinking water before showing up at the party or dinner out you are attending. To make sure that you can do this, have a bag of trail mix or a jug of water in the car or your pocket, so you can load up before showing up. (hint: you can even find fitness bars in local 7-eleven’s around Phuket island)
Pick Out What You Want And Enjoy it in Moderation.
This is a better idea as opposed to avoiding your favorite dishes at all cost. This is your weight loss holidays, after all, and you are expected to enjoy yourself while achieving your goals.
Following a pre-designed proper weight-loss nutrition, daily, can help you avoid the cravings that tend to be overwhelming and could wear out your self-control before the holidays are over.
Eat Healthy And Often Throughout Your Holiday to Lose Weight in Phuket.
Doing so can help you avoid overeating at the event because you have been starving yourself during the day. By eating frequent small snacks of fruits and veggies, as well as protein and whole grains, you are keeping yourself fed. Moreover, it will be less likely to be tempted by the wrong kind of fare that’s on the table.
Work Out During Your Holidays To Get Rid Of This Extra Weight.
Working out keeps your metabolism and energy high, which means you are better equipped to deal with the stress of the holidays and your body is in its excellent calorie-burning shape to boot.
Some studies show that people who work out are less likely to cave into holiday food cravings compared to their less active peers. Experts recommend working out in the morning to get a good head start to the day.
The Ultimate Solution To Keep The Weight Off During The Holidays
If you are dreading the holidays and the effect that all the parties will do to your weight loss plan, do not be discouraged. The tips above will help you keep the calories at bay as you enjoy the holidays in Phuket island to the fullest.
However, the best solution would be to combine your holidays with a weight loss retreat. Choosing this option would give you the advantage of consistent daily nutrition, going through a pre-designed work out plan and having personal trainers taking care of your progress – all while staying at Action Point’s Weight Loss & Fitness Resort luxurious rooms.
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