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Tag: exercise

10 Everyday Health Hacks to Live Longer

When you think about doing a healthy lifestyle overhaul — simultaneously cleaning up your diet, exercising more, and stressing less — it’s enough to send you running right back to bed. That’s why it’s always best to start with small, manageable changes that can easily

Plantar Fasciitis: Best Stretches to Ease Pain

Plantar fasciitis can happen in a snap. You get out of bed one morning, and the minute you set one heel down on the floor, it starts throbbing. You did a tough workout the day before and had some heel pain but nothing serious.

The 9 Most Common Trainer Cues

Square your hips. Tuck, your tailbone, zip your navel to your spine. Listening to your trainer is much like playing a game of “Simon Says.” However, if you’re new to exercise or trying a workout for the first time, it’s not uncommon to get tangled

6 Plyometrics Exercises for a Better Workout in Less Time

Plyometrics — or high-intensity exercises that stretch and then quickly shorten your muscles (think jump squats or plyo push-ups) — are already known for their quick calorie-blasting, body-toning results. The technique was initially designed to develop explosive speed and power in Olympic athletes, but the

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The Inner Thigh Workout You Can Do with Gliders

Forget the thigh gap or even worrying about the size and shape of your legs. It’s strengthening your thighs that really matters. Strong inner thighs — or adductors — help improve core control (they do help make up the five muscles that attach to the

How to Get Toned Arms With 6 Easy Exercises

Want to live every day like it’s #FlexFriday? Of course, you do! However, it can be frustrating to crank out endless bicep curls or tricep dips without seeing results. Believe it or not, getting the leaned, toned arms you’ve been longing for isn’t impossible —

How to lose belly fat

The Truth About How to Lose Belly Fat

You’ve tried them all in your pursuit of flat abs: crunches, reverse crunches, planks, bicycles, and even the ab roller. After all, it seems logical. To increase muscular definition and lose fat, you should work out your stomach muscles more. However, will that lead to