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Tag: Abs

power yoga phuket

The Inner Thigh Workout You Can Do with Gliders

Forget the thigh gap or even worrying about the size and shape of your legs. It’s strengthening your thighs that really matters. Strong inner thighs — or adductors — help improve core control (they do help make up the five muscles that attach to the

How to lose belly fat

The Truth About How to Lose Belly Fat

You’ve tried them all in your pursuit of flat abs: crunches, reverse crunches, planks, bicycles, and even the ab roller. After all, it seems logical. To increase muscular definition and lose fat, you should work out your stomach muscles more. However, will that lead to

6 Core Exercises for Lower Back Pain

When most of us think about exercising with lower back pain, we feel about workarounds. As in, “is that squat going to hurt? Moreover, what variations can I sub in to prevent a flare-up?”