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Tag: Cardio

The 9 Most Common Trainer Cues

Square your hips. Tuck, your tailbone, zip your navel to your spine. Listening to your trainer is much like playing a game of “Simon Says.” However, if you’re new to exercise or trying a workout for the first time, it’s not uncommon to get tangled

6 Plyometrics Exercises for a Better Workout in Less Time

Plyometrics — or high-intensity exercises that stretch and then quickly shorten your muscles (think jump squats or plyo push-ups) — are already known for their quick calorie-blasting, body-toning results. The technique was initially designed to develop explosive speed and power in Olympic athletes, but the

The Best Workouts for Reducing Body Fat

When it comes to people’s top goals for improving body composition, a fat loss often takes the cake. However, we can’t talk about how to lower body fat percentage without touching on how to drop pounds in general.