The Benefits of a High-Fiber Diet (Plus Best Food Sources)
You can argue the pros and cons of a ketogenic or a vegan diet on end, but there are only upsides to a high-fiber diet. If you had a diet matchmaker, it’s likely a high-fiber diet is “the one” — with zero reservations or stipulations.
5 Healthy Pastas That Are Nutritionist-Approved
Whether you love spaghetti and meatballs or mac and cheese, there’s nothing more comforting and satisfying like a bowl of pasta. Moreover, while there’s no harm in enjoying some white pasta now and then (hello, carb-loading runners), a cup of spaghetti can set you back
The 6 Best Ways to Measure Body Fat Percentage
Whether your priority is looking good in a bathing suit or living to see 100, there’s one piece of information that might stand in the way: body composition.
The Top 11 Nutrients Your Body Needs to Build Muscle
As much as exercise hits your body with a barrage of feel-good hormones, it also puts your body in a state of stress. From your gut to your heart, every cell is working hard to maintain all bodily functions while you work out.